Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Katie of "Katie's Place"

Katie's Place is a volunteer run small animal (mostly cats) shelter in Maple
Ridge B.C. and Katie is the namesake. Currently the shelter
is in a very full barn, soon they will move all the residents to a new facility. . . Katie was the first resident of Katie's Place, she has since passed away. I did this portrait of her for the new shelter, so she will never be forgotten!

The shelter runs on donations, if you would like to donate or adopt a kitty follow this link to their website>>>>



Anonymous said...

You have captured our Katie so beautifully Ashley! And with her behind firmly planted on our communication book, just daring us to attempt to remove it so we could jot down the important goings-on of the day to share with our fellow volunteers... well, that is just so HER!

Thank you so much again for all the kindnesses you have shown the homeless animals at Katie's Place shelter.

A Volunteer at Katie's Place

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